On June 18, the Second Sunday after Pentecost, that of All Saints who have Shone Forth in the Russian Land, Metropolitan Nicholas of Eastern America & New York performed an archpastoral visit to St. Luke the Blessed Surgeon Church in Pompano Beach, FL. With His Eminence’s blessing, the celebration of the parish’s patronal feast of the Holy Hierarch Luke of Simferopol was transferred to that day.
Serving alongside the First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad were: Archpriest Yaroslav Lutoschin, Priest Mikhail Mikhailenko (cleric of St. Vladimir Church in Miami, FL), Hieromonk Arkadii (Polishchuk; cleric of Our Lady of Pochaev Church in North Port, FL), Hierodeacon Panteleimon (Jigalin) and Deacon Stefan Stoyanov (diocesan clerics), and Hierodeacon Paisius (Alexeevets; UOC cleric).
The parish choir under the direction of Katya Lukianov sang marvelously. Many parishioners prayed in the church and received Christ’s Holy Mysteries.
Upon conclusion of Liturgy, Metropolitan Nicholas, who is also the rector of the parish, congratulated the parishioners with the feast of All Russian Saints, as well as the patronal feast of St. Luke. The First Hierarch also presented choir conductor Katya Lukianov with a Synodal gramota for her labors at the divine services.
A banquet prepared by the parish sisterhood was held in the parish hall, after which a presentation was made for the construction of a formal church building and spiritual center.
Pompano Beach, FL: Metropolitan Nicholas officiates Divine Services in St. Luke the Blessed Surgeon Church - 06/18/23
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